I was riding the bike around the neighbourhood last week. Yishun have gone under quite a large makeover. Northpoint was one. There is this extended part of the building near the cinema. Oh yes and the library. Yishun Community library! It's becoming a community centre literally. Kids were scurrying about without any supervision; the comfy seats near the entrance were taken up as though someone will die not having one. And maybe 'cos it's new: there weren't many books. I searched the catalogue for a 几米 biography but it was missing from the shelf. all in all, it was a noisy, and messy library with empty shelves.
It's not all that bad. Shops that sprung up in the building sells good stuff too.
Met up with the awesomest friends. 看到他们不知道为什么我显得比较安静,但是我好想告诉他们我看到他们有多么的兴奋。 我得了自闭症是吧。很多话想要告诉他们,但是不知道要从哪里开始。悉尼其实真的只是另一个新加坡。无情的眼神,匆忙的脚步,还有不合理的对待。在那里的日子并没有他们想象的那么好。It's really not the sweetest thing to be alone in the cold, lonesome world. 不懂得表达自己。但是现在的我已经可以应对自如了。活到了二十一才第一次自己搭飞机。The experience sent chills down my spine when i recall it. At the check-in I was told that my baggage was over the limit, and the Qantas lady wasn't very friendly. I then throw away some stuff in my baggage, and managed to reduce it from 34kg to 27kg. The limit is 25, but she allowed. She asked if I wanted window seat, so a cloud-lover me would apparently say yes. Anyway I paid thousand over just to travel. But in the end it was a corridor seat instead. Y did she lie. She probably didn't know about karma. I mean like, if its not available then why ask me in the first place? The second shock was when i was getting myself mentally prepared for the flight, the pilot announced 'I'm sorry for the delay. We're currently having some data loss and we're trying to recover them from the hard drive' (not the exact words but similar meaning). I freaked out. Qantas. Should I get out of the plane or what. hahaha. I held my palms praying very hard and stayed on.
ok i'm still in one piece. haha. none of my worse fears came true. (: