
Saturday, January 24, 2009



新年真好! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I read that Rabbits would have quite a hard Lunar Year. In terms of health and love, it's down. But so-so for career stuff. :S

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Interesting advices from various sources about 水痘.

1. Don't ever bathe or shampoo. Let the blisters go 'dry'
2. Don't eat 'poisonous' seafood, chicken, and beans.
3. Soy sauce would darken the scars.
4. Police will catch you if you're found on the streets with 水痘。
5. Sitting in the same area under the same fan passes on the virus because it's airborne.
6. Don't go into the Sun.
7. Drink lots of water and herbal tea.

Googling the net showed that only the last 2 are scientifically proven. Can't stand the smell of the calamine lotion. hahaha

Monday, January 19, 2009

Okay so it turned out to be something more vicious. chickenpox. I always had a wishful thinking that I'm that lucky person in the world who'll never get it my whole life.

Need to take the pills now. I don't want to describe how i feel now. That 'i' word makes me feel more 'i' -er.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The silence is deafening. Kept awake by the heat in my brain; I think panadol is one of the best invention in the world. I never wanted to rely on such medicines 'cos the effect will just weaken the next time round. I thought the fever-diarrhoea that came with the celebration of new year was over, but it hit me all over again. And it's always the case whenever I tried to run at faster speed, in an attempt to lose some flabs. Nonetheless today I had loads of fun! I seriously think I have awesome friends. Really lucky. J was pitch-perfect! The fir songs were like. zomfg well sang lah. *impressed*

Haven't been updating this blog! I think i'll post up photos I took this holiday! And wow, this is like the longest and fun-nest holiday I've had a long long time. Spending quality time with family and of course, great friends. Realised that you don't really have to meet a person all the time/or know the person in great detail to have a lasting friendship with him/her. It's weird, but it's happening. Like I thought I had a great network of friends in school last time, but the true ones are like, 10? Army and flyer. Some of the old friends I only met up with them after like 5 years since sec.4. And the nostalgia just gets into your head, and as if I've seen them just recently eh.

Time to recall what i've been doing recently! blogging's all about recording my history anyways.
- Met up with junshengjeremydanielcheehoouranjanitammyrahidahhenryjasmineanita
michelleeevonnsomeflyerpeepsguohuaraymondweiwenallanallmycousins and manymore
- Went to eat the best bak chor mee at lavender with the Js. (:
- Took the flyer ride twice! (flyer crashed in dec. and steven left! tsk)
- Tidied my room
- Gardening. My plants are rescued. And even the cactus is flowering!
- Sang kbox. Many times.
- Dentist. I love the smell, somehow!
- Finished watching all the latest series (greys/dh/taiwanshows)
- Watched mayday live concert! <3
- Got new stuffs. shirts,shoes,bag,blah (:
- Checked my first uni results. I hate the jittery and butterflies. You'd know you've tried hard, but it's always not enough. But I managed to pass everything! Not the best results, but i'm really happy already. It's got to do with the magical examination room, with unknown peace.
- Finished reading all the latest books by ji mi!
- Prayings.
- And I've been playing pet society on facebook! The guy who did this flash game is utter pro. CUTENESS. Argh. Have to stop that addiction before it manifests into what neopets did to me years back. hahas.
- Eating alot! (bah) Can't bear to leave the food wasted on that kitchen table.
- Sent off my dearest bro bro to Sweden! It's going to be tough, i know. It's freaking -4 degrees there. 但是身经百战的他总会得到上天的眷顾然后化腐朽为神奇。很庆幸有他。I guess it'll be a really fulfilling trip for my dearest bro bro.
- Booked my tickets back.
- Running errands for the entire world!

Not quite done yet, but that's all I can remember now. Suddenly my headache is gone now that i'm summing up this post. hahaha

I think I love everyone. alot! :)