
Thursday, February 28, 2008

My colleague in his 50s and I got too bored at some point of time days ago.
Then he asked me over.

Henry: Eh yonghan. You know what's the national flower of Singapore?

Me: DUH. Vanda Miss Joaquim lor.

Henry: Haha. Alright. Now, what's the national bird of Singapore?

Me: Donno leh. Some kind of canary bird?

Henry: CRANES. *pointing to the IR building site* HAHAHAHAHAHA

Me: .................. -_-

He's really funny!

Friday, February 15, 2008






原来商融界的高层人士都是一堆堆的mannequins. 面具都画得很美,但是内心是悲哀,丑陋,险恶的。


It's heartbreaking.


明天会更好。 :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

作词:陈乐融 作曲:陈国华 演唱:杨培安

忘了最初 心就死了
没有追求 苦中无法做乐
擦肩的人 是知音还是过客
没有掌声 但请给我自由

狂妄的话 谁没说过
哀伤的歌 继续等待解脱
曾付出的 期待全世界能拥有
沉默的爱 又能与谁交流

有多值得 就有多难得
有多恩宠 就有多忐忑
疲惫的人生 不管情不情愿

一天天的守候 一夜夜的愧疚
一次次的战斗 一点点的收获
一遍遍的怒吼 一寸寸的突破
幸运的我 没有白活

有多值得 就有多难得
有多恩宠 就有多忐忑
疲惫的人生 不管情不情愿

一天天的守候 一夜夜的愧疚
一次次的战斗 一点点的收获
一遍遍的怒吼 一寸寸的突破
幸运的我 没有白活
一遍遍的怒吼 一寸寸的突破
幸运的我 没有白活

一口气 一条命
一道伤 一个梦

Sunday, February 03, 2008


每年为自己设下的resolution, 有的却是遥不可及的。




Saturday, February 02, 2008

Top company to work for in 2007

Wow it's saturday already. It's been an amazing week for me, 'cos I'm like officially employed for a full time job for the first time in my life. The 2nd interview before I got the job, was a smooth one, no hiccups at all. They didn't have any bad impression on me; I wore quite formal on that day. the GM then said 'I think you're good, you're in!' WAh. I didn't know how to react- I thought they're supposed to be informing me with a call while i wait for the agonising few days. Then i said,' Wow. This is like American Idol, haha' jokingly. They all laughed and said 'Welcome to hollywood!' I was like 'erm, %@#$!!%' rolling the invisible eyeballs in my mind. Haha, it was fun. The working days that followed was interesting, met new people, made new friends. I think a good job, is one that when you wake up every morning feeling happy and looking forward to seeing the colleagues. And maybe this is it. It's an eye-opener, to see people of every kind. Of course, there are black sheeps, but I'll just need to deal with it like how i survived army. During the briefing, they say most of us are chosen because of our smiles. THAT really made my day. But it was a problem too. Because in school and army, when I'm having a neutral expression on my face, people think i'm angry or feeling down. So i'm hoping it doesn't happen in the work place. haha. :)

The Singapore Flyer looks very very impressive up close. All the behind-the-scene planning, management, ticketings are really carefully done to make sure it'll be a success. It was the first time I had a feel of what it's like having meeting in a work place. It's a totally different experience from lectures. The meeting room had the most comfortable office chairs, large LCD screens for powerpoint, furnished with nice long tables. WOW.

Hmm. And i got myself a haircut before Chinese New Year. It felt cooler. 新的一年新的开始。 今天看到了水明。路过碰巧遇见他。他还是一样的随和,有那种大哥的气派。但是带有一点盛气凌人的feel. 哈哈。说道遇见老朋友,真的让我很心烦。怎么最近我遇见这么多的中学,初院,甚至是兵营里认识的朋友,都认不得我了?想要跟他们打个招呼的那一瞬间,他们一个个可以当作没看到我还是旁边突然有东西吸引他们过去看的。是我的问题还是他们的?又不是说我很不友善。我也没有摆个臭脸,让他们退避的理由。还是我从初院到现在的转变太大了呢。真的搞不清楚状况。哈哈。转变也是好的,不是吗。


街道靜的刺耳 夜被路燈染色
趁感傷醒來前 先上車 不會不捨
承認我是弱者 不敢再對愛假設
我真的累得 不想再拉扯

*我尋找的平靜 是我將來看電影
帶著一顆平常心 不必為誰心碎閉上眼睛
我需要的平靜 是敢回頭看曾經

我不懂得取捨 才讓心痛堆著
找得到前些年的快樂 只是偶爾
回憶是個誘餌 是來叫我回去的
要傷能癒合 我非走不可